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The great majority of people who call themselves Christians, Moslems and Jews really do not believe in their religion. The pseudo-solution that most people adopt is to either shut up or quit the church and renounce God.
Rejoice in your disillusionment! To all of those people who are disillusioned with their traditional, conventional religion, we say to them, “Rejoice!” You are closer to God than those who have tried to inculcate in you the old tradition. Open yourself to who God really is and consider what the meaning of your life is supposed to be.
Consider the following points: (1) God wants you to be happy. (2) He is not interested in your saying Jesus or Adonai or whatever other little superstitions that were developed and adhered to by your religion of origin. If He were to want this, it would constitute an ego trip which is reminiscent of the devil a lot more than of God. Think about it. Wouldn't you say so?
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This commentary on the newly discovered Gospel of Thomas doesn't leave a stone unturned in that it does not spare anyone, including established churches and their distortions. It will also give fresh insight into the contents of the New Testament-one based on contemporary needs, logic, and reason, as opposed to obsolete dogmas. Read it and allow yourself and your basic beliefs to be challenged. Rethink all that you know, and you will finally discover who you really are.
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This book is a study and synthesis of characterology and typology theories. From the spiritual angle, you will see how they all merge. You will also see how inadequate and incomplete are the favourite typologies of mundane psychology. 430 pages.
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Give and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; trust and you will feel secure. These are not only spiritual laws. They are ethical, as well. And, by the way, they are also financial. No success, no abundance exists without them. All abundance is based on trust. This can be demonstrated by observing the trust that existed at the times of history when there was abundance. Trust is what creates wealth and maintains it, and wealth and abundance are natural states. 586 pages
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The concept of the Trinity is found, outside of Christianity, in just about every religion. It is universal and undeniable. It constitutes a yardstick to measure the correctness of any thought, feeling, and action. In its dynamic form, i.e., in movement, it acquires even more power of purification. Life and Pleasure are one. Yet, you must be willing to face the pain of self-discovery in order to find fulfillment. 472 pages.
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Our church seeks to reestablish oneness between philosophy and religion. At one time in the past, they were indeed one. For Plato and Aristotle, there certainly wasn’t a difference between the two. The pursuit of God was the pursuit of truth. Religion was at-one, not only with philosophy, but also with mathematics and with the other sciences. 387 pages.
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In this book is to be found a new approach to motivation, which will help you to move, and a theory of learning, which will help you learn and teach. Finally, and most importantly, the sermons in this book will teach you to love, first yourself, then others, then God, not always in this order. As Saint Augustine taught us, all love is, in the last analysis, love for God. 384 pages.
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The sermons in this book will be of help to you as you journey out of worldliness, taking with you the best of the past and renewing it for your future. Great blessings on the period of loneliness and the sense of temporary alienation that must be undergone during this journey. When undertaken properly and ethically, it is bound to lead you to new, albeit fewer, connections with people on your heightened level of development. 348 pages.
The Church of the Path®
207 S Commons Ford Road, Austin, TX 78733, US