1. We believe in one God, the Father, the Mother and the Son combined in one Entity and Being, the Maker of all that exists, all that is thought, felt or done.
2. We believe that the Christ was the greatest of all teachers, that He came to reestablish choice and balance in the world, to restore the road to salvation.
3. We believe that you can make it to the Kingdom of God through right following of the original principles of most religions. They have Christ-like saviours and principles.
4. We believe that through ethics, even an atheist will make it to the Kingdom of God.
5. We believe that it is our duty to assert, claim and fulfill our needs.
6. We believe that every being will reincarnate, working through his harmfulness and perfecting himself to the point where he will totally be at-one with God.
7. We believe it is the right, the duty and the inevitability of every created entity to follow the one eternal and universal Path that runs through all ethical creeds. There is only one religion, and there are also as many religions as there are entities.
8. We believe in the existence of good and harmful spheres, heavens and hells, sharing our time and space. We have the choice to attract and inhabit any of the spheres. This choice is God-given and we believe it is our duty to exercise it.
9. We believe that our goal is to reach immortality in the body, to find God through ecstasy, through at-onement, through right and spiritually lawful sexuality (sexuality in the context of love), through maintaining exploration of ourselves and of the Universe.
10. We believe that it is our task to spread civilization, harmlessness and right living.
The Church of the Path®
207 S Commons Ford Road, Austin, TX 78733, US