You create your own reality; your reality does not create you.
Outer level stimuli do not determine a person's qualities, attitudes, or makeup. It is the interpretation of those outer level stimuli by the soul that make the individual who he really is. Spiritual growth involves raising consciousness to link inner and outer reality.
You create your own reality is a universal idea that runs like a unifying spring through all religions and spiritual paths.
It's the Law of Karma: if I create evil, I will receive evil, I will experience guilt, I will have to repent. Saint Augustine called it Expressionism: the external being is an expression of what's internal. In the 20th century, Jane Robert’s channeled spirit Seth said that the outer is created by the inner. Outer reality is a creation of our thoughts and feelings.
A prime example of the fact that you create your own reality is none other than the Christ. He grew up in the most troubled area of the Roman Empire and had to flee as a child to Egypt to escape Herod's murderous attempts on first-born Jews. Yet, he grew up to be the greatest of all souls ever to incarnate on this earth.
If we look at the conditioning that Tiberius, Caligula, or Nero received — abundant training in all subjects of learning, availability of every possible advantage under the sun — according to the psychologists, they should have been world saviours, and not the Christ.
The Church of the Path®
207 S Commons Ford Road, Austin, TX 78733, US