The services comprise of prayer and a sermon on personal spiritual growth.
Sundays: 10-11:10 a.m.
Love-offering basis.
Doors open at 9:30 a.m.
Arrive early to meditate and reflect to classical music.
Late arrivals will not be admitted.
Morning prayer service to help you start the day grounded in goodness, beauty and truth.
Wednesdays: 7:25-7:55 a.m.
Love offering basis.
Doors open at 7:10 a.m.
Late arrivals will not be admitted.
How to Meditate with Intention
Thursday, February 20, 7:15-8 pm
Cost: $10
Location: Downtown Austin at Casa de Luz, Serena Room, 1701 Toomey Rd, 78704
Meditation is a beautiful and dynamic process that can open you to help and inspiration from the Divine. This class will talk about the steps and process of meditating with intention, follow by a guided meditation. No experience is necessary to join.
Saturday, March 1
9 am-12 pm
Cost: $75
Registration deadline: Thurs, February 27
Location: The Church of the Path
Discussion & Interactive Exercises to Deepen Self-Awareness
Time for Quiet Self-Reflection
& Journaling
By Credit Card - link below
By Venmo: @churchofthepath
By Cash or Check - in person
Coming From Out of Town? Make it an Immersive Weekend!
Register for the Saturday retreat and join our Sunday morning spiritual activites.
Talk on the energies of the full moon followed by a guided meditation.
Thursday, March 13: Pisces
Friday, April 11: Aries
Monday, May 12: Taurus
Call for time: (512) 263-9435
Love-offering basis.
Individual Lessons & Sermon Study Classes
Life Application of Spiritual Concepts
We offer an in-depth spiritual growth training program, consisting of one-on-one work, group classes, retreats, and meditations.
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming spiritual growth activities.
The Church of the Path®
207 S Commons Ford Road, Austin, TX 78733, US